At our next meeting
At our next meeting

at our next meeting

More recently, Goldman Sachs released its revised forecast for Q2, cutting its estimate from 1.9% to 0.7% ( Goldman slashes GDP forecast for the second quarter to just barely above water ). Similarly, the Conference Board’s forecast is for 1.9% growth this year, but that was an earlier estimate released on June 21.

at our next meeting at our next meeting

The minutes for the June FOMC meeting state that the Board of Governors staff had projected GDP to rebound in the second quarter and remain solid through the end of the year, if somewhat weaker than projected in the Board’s May forecast, but still above trend. First-quarter 2022 GDP growth was -1.5%, according to the BEA, and the Atlanta Fed’s GDP Now for quarter two stands at -1.2%, which, if realized, would amount to two quarters of negative GDP growth. The Committee will be faced with the challenge of assessing whether growth in the second quarter is likely to be negative, triggering the declaration of a recession, or whether growth has persisted. The next FOMC meeting is scheduled for July 26 & 27. 12, 2022 1:44 AM ET ACTV, AFMC, AFSM, AMER, ARKK, AVUV, BAPR, BAUG, BBMC, BBSC, BFOR, BFTR, BJUL, BJUN, BKMC, BKSE, BMAR, BMAY, BOCT, BOSS, BOUT, BUFF, BUL, CALF, CATH, CBSE, CSA, CSB, CSD, CSF, CSML, CSTNL, CWS, CZA, DDIV, DEEP, DES, DEUS, DFAS, DFAT, DGRS, DIA, DIV, DJD, DON, DSPC, DVLU, DWAS, DWMC, EES, EFIV, EPS, EQAL, ESML, ETHO, EWMC, EWSC, EZM, FAB, FAD, FDM, FFTY, FLQM, FLQS, FNDA, FNK, FNX, FNY, FOVL, FRTY, FSMD, FTA, FTDS, FYC, FYT, FYX, GBGR, GLRY, GSSC, HAIL, HIBL, HIBS, HLGE, HOMZ, HSMV, IJH, IJJ, IJK, IJR, IJS, IJT, IMCB, IMCG, IMCV, IPO, ISCB, ISCG, ISCV, ISMD, IUSS, IVDG, IVE, IVOG, IVOO, IVOV, IVV, IVW, IWC, IWM, IWN, IWO, IWP, IWR, IWS, IYY, JDIV, JHMM, JHSC, JPME, JPSE, JSMD, JSML, KAPR, KJAN, KJUL, KNG, KOMP, KSCD, LSAT, MDY, MDYG, MDYV, MGMT, MID, MIDE, MIDF, NAPR, NIFE, NJAN, NOBL, NUMG, NUMV, NUSC, NVQ, OMFS, ONEO, ONEQ, ONEV, ONEY, OSCV, OUSM, OVS, PAMC, PAPR, PAUG, PBP, PBSM, PEXL, PEY, PJAN, PJUN, PLTL, PQLC, PQSG, PQSV, PRFZ, PSC, PTMC, PUTW, PWC, PY, QDIV, QMOM, QQC, QQD, QQEW, QQQ, QQQA, QQQE, QQQJ, QQQM, QQQN, QQXT, QTEC, QVAL, QVML, QVMM, QVMS, QYLD, QYLG, REGL, RFG, RFV, RNMC, RNSC, ROSC, RPG, RPV, RSP, RVRS 3 Comments 4 Likes

At our next meeting